
We have discovered that our products are being sold on a fake website.

We believe that this is a phishing site that illegally copies images and text from e-commerce sites and posts them on the site. Please be careful not to be a victim of this site, as the products have not been sent to you even after you have transferred money.

MITURE products are currently only sold at [Official MITURE] [MITURE Rakuten Ichiba Store] [MITURE Yahoo Store].

We have nothing to do with the fake sites, so please be careful not to get involved in any trouble.

<Characteristics of the fake site>
・The price is double-circled, and the price is extremely low.
・The URL of the site is suspicious, or the name of the site is unfamiliar to you.
・Payment methods are only by bank transfer, not by credit card.
・Unnatural Japanese language.
・Contact information does not exist.
There are many suspicious points.

In the unlikely event that you have been victimized, please contact your local police department.